Thank you for your interest in the Spring Hill Chamber of Commerce.
A non-profit, 501 C6 organization, the chamber was founded in March of 1991. The office has a full-time President/CEO who is assisted by volunteers. They are in the office most business days, 913.592.3893.
We would like to invite you to join us in our efforts to make a difference in the Spring Hill community. Membership fees are per year and in teirs according what benefits you are looking for from the Chamber. Members who take advantage of the Chambers marketing benefits can easily recoup that expense. To see a full listing of possible dues, below.
The Chamber’s members believe that their mission statement outlines our role in the community — “A voice that promotes planned economic growth by linking people in business, government, and the community.”
Benefits offered by the Chamber of Commerce include:
- A web membership directory at www.springhillks.org, features a listing of the Chambers members. Links are provided for members who have e-mail or web page and social media connections.
- The Chamber distributes city/school district maps. The maps include a categorical listing of chamber members and contact information. Members may add their logo for $30 per year.
- Businesses are recognized and provided networking opportunities during Open Houses, Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies, After Hours events, and Chamber Networking Coffees, usually held on the first and third Fridays from 8-9am.
- Membership directories are distributed throughout the community and to each chamber member, upon request.
- Welcome packets are given to new residents each year. Members have opportunities to promote their organizations through this program.
- Business-to-business marketing opportunities through referrals and direct marketing.
- About 100 contacts are made with businesses considering the Spring Hill area a prospective location for their businesses. In addition, employees of companies that have already committed to constructing their facility in a neighboring community receive information on the Spring Hill housing market and existing businesses.
- A booth at community events, such as the Spring Hill Festival, allows member businesses an opportunity to distribute their promotional materials.
2025 Spring Hill Chamber Membership Benefits
All Member Benefits Include:
Listing in printed directories & New Homeowner Resource Guide.
Web directory listing with link to business website.
Business referrals and brochure distribution at Chamber Office
Membership and Community weekly email newsletters and posts/shares on social media
Membership and Community weekly email newsletters and posts/shares on social media
Membership Plaque and window cling
Member exclusive advertising options
Member to member discounts
Event and program sponsorship opportunities
State and local advocacy, communication about legislative issues, and legislative membership events
Online Job postings
Local Networking events
Multi-Chamber Events (both Johnson and Miami counties)
Event hosting opportunities
Grand Opening, Open House, and Now Open signs and banners
Ribbon Cuttings and Ground Breaking Ceremonies with press release and social media posts
Recognition and nominations for state and local business awards
Local recognition and promotion via press releases and social media
Membership Levels & Dues

Small Business Member
includes all Member & Small Business benefits

Business Investor
Bold listing in print directories as space allows.

Community Investor
Includeds all of the above benifits +
Visual recognition as a Community Investor:
- Chamber office
- Chamber website homepage
- Unlimited Job Postings
- Logo and bold listing in print directories as space allows.

Chamber Champion
Includeds all of the above benifits +
Visual recognition as a Community Champion includes:
- Chamber office
- Chamber website homepage
- e-newsletters
- Community Champion Seal Logo for members web/print use.
- $1,000 Corporate Sponsor for Annual Awards Dinner & Auction

Chamber Legacy Builder
Includeds all of the above benifits +
Visual recognition as a Chamber Legacy Builder includes:
- Chamber office
- Chamber website homepage
- e-newsletters
- Chamber Legacy Builder Seal Logo for member web/print use.
- $1,000 Corporate Sponsor for Annual Awards Dinner & Auction
- Sponsorship of one-two other Chamber Events (some restrictions)
- Logo ad on new homeowner delivery bag & new teacher event bag